Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Notes from Anthony Robbins Workshop on Thursday May 27th

We had the Anthony Robbins Company come to our office and do a free workshop last Thursday. Here are my notes…

“We need to manage our emotional state, especially as salespersons.

Active learning (where you are involved in the learning) is 60% more effective than passive learning. 

You need to say to yourself, “I am committed!”

You want to change. When? Now!

It is a new market with new rules and new strategies.

We all have patterns that do not serve us and do not make any sense.

Successful people strategize.

Good patterns (as well as bad patterns) dictate our lives.

We need to ask ourselves, “What patterns are taking me to where I do not want to go?”

When it is “knowledge” versus “habits”… habits always win!

On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate yourself in each part of your life (the wheel)? (We did this exercise in class).

What are the reasons why you are not doing as well as you would like in each part of your life? (We also did this exercise in class).

Anthony Robbins does not believe in motivation… otherwise you will just do more of what you are doing. 

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. How can you break through? It all comes down to your believe system. 

There are two types of beliefs: Empowering… which gives you massive action toward your goal) and Limiting… these stop you in your tracks.

Your beliefs are equal to your motivation.

By age 5, we have developed 50% of our patterns. By age 18, we have developed an additional 45%.

If I did break these patterns… how would I look? How would I feel?

The number 1 reason that people do not have what they want is their “story” that they just keep on repeating in their head.”




Beliefs &


There is an Anthony Robbins live event from July 29-August 1.

Posted via email from Duane's Proposterous Posterous

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