Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Duane's Real Estate Joke of the Day for May 25

A frantic Real Estate agent calls a plumber on Thanksgiving morning, "Please you have to help, I have 20 people coming over in an hour and when I try to turn the faucet on, it makes this horrible noise and the water just dribbles out."

When the plumber arrives, he turns the faucet and it makes a horrible noise and the water just dribbles out. He turns the faucet off and bends down to look under the sink. He opens his tool box and grabs a large wrench. He hits the pipe really hard with the side of the wrench. He puts the wrench back in the tool box and tells the agent to turn the faucet on. It works perfectly.

"Oh thank you! What do I owe you."

"That will be $600."

"What?! That's highway robbery! I am a Real Estate agent, and I don't make that much for five minutes!

The plumber answered, "Neither did I when I was a Real Estate agent."

Posted via email from Duane's Proposterous Posterous

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