Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Officials say man must tear down ‘Phonehenge’ house

Tue May 31, 11:08 am ET

Officials say man must tear down ‘Phonehenge’ house

By Liz Goodwin

http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-phonehenge-west-20110526,0,797986.story">Phonehenge compound in southern California

Los Angeles county officials are demanding that a creative homeowner tear down a 20,000-square-foot domicile he calls "Phonehenge West"--or face up to seven years in jail.

Former telephone technician Alan Kimble Fahey began building the structure three decades ago in Acton, http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-phonehenge-trial-20110530,0,4358784.s...">the Los Angeles Times reports. Fahey, who christened the project "Phonehenge" because it sits atop pilings modified from phone utility poles, says he intends to turn the compound into a museum.

The labyrinthine network of buildings where Fahey, his wife, and teenage son live even includes a 70-foot tower covered in Italian stained-glass windows, and a barn. Fahey uses a "motorized cart" to get between buildings, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/26/local/la-me-phonehenge-west-20110526">an earlier report said.

The paper describes the compound as "a hodgepodge of reddish buildings braced with scores of utility poles and steel beams and connected by bridges and ramps." Inside, the castle is filled with more than 20,000 books, and a yurt--though Fahey and his wife sleep on a http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/los_angeles&id=8157725">single-sized water bed and cook on a tiny stove. Tourists come from all over to gaze at the creation, Fahey says, and Glamour magazine even staged a photo shoot there.

Fahey has attracted popular support for his labor of love. More than 1,000 people have http://www.facebook.com/PhonehengeW">liked a Facebook page called "Save Phonehenge West." And a national group that opposes "abusive" building codes, F.A.C.E.OFF (Fight Against Code Enforcement Office), is also backing Fahey. The compound has been admiringly featured http://www.homedsgn.com/2011/05/28/should-phonehenge-west-be-saved/-14248">on home design web sites.

A jury began hearing the county's case against Fahey last week: He is charged with 14 criminal misdemeanor counts, including unlawful use of land. L.A. County deputy District Attorney David Campbell told the paper that Fahey repeatedly ignored city officials' warnings that he was violating multiple municipal building safety and fire codes and thinks he is above the law.

"He has set up his own arrogant interpretation of the law," Campbell told the paper.

Fahey's lawyer Jerry Lennon says county officials were negligent in enforcing their own rules, leaving his client alone for two decades before deciding to crack down.

"This is an exceptional place," an L.A.-area advocate for code reform, David Lewis, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/26/local/la-me-phonehenge-west-20110526/2">told the L.A. Times. "Most of the properties that are involved in code enforcement actions are not visually striking. It's something the public can look at. It's something special that shouldn't be demolished."

http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-phonehenge-west-20110526,0,797986.story">Click here to see the full collection of photos at LAT.com

Posted via email from Duane's Proposterous Posterous

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