Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Duane's Real Estate Video Text June 2

“It’s a great day to be in real estate! Duane Beisner here… sales manager and a sales representative for ERA real estate.

Duane’s Quote of the Day

"This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."
George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)
Irish playwright and critic

Duane’s Joke of the Day

Martin had just received his brand new drivers license. The family troops out to the driveway, and climbs in the car, where he is going to take them for a ride for the first time. Dad immediately heads for the back seat, directly behind the newly minted driver.
"I'll bet you're back there to get a change of scenery after all those months of sitting in the front passenger seat teaching me how to drive," says the beaming boy to his father.
"Nope," comes dad's reply, "I'm gonna sit here and kick the back of your seat as you drive, just like you've been doing to me all these years."

Duane’s Business Tip of the Day

All the fame and fortune in the world doesn't amount to a hill of beans without good health.

Take time to take care for the most important person in the world--you.

Think about it.

Duane’s Social Commentary

complainless: (adj.) 1. to be free of complaints 2. a pleasure to be around
Remember... Your words move others. Your words move you. Let yours send everyone in the right direction. Be the spark.
To be ComplainLess...

1.                  Be aware. Recognize your typical paths to complaining - what
(who) sparks your tendency to gripe. Minimize your exposure to them (eliminating those 'sparks' altogether may not always be realistic or the best thing). Know that your grumbling is a complete waste of energy.

2.                  Be thankful. Regularly reflect on all the good in your life (people, opportunities, things). Understand and enjoy how lucky you really are. Be entitled to nothing.

3.                  Pause before you begin. Clip a complaint as you feel it coming. Put a smile or thoughtful statement in its path. Blame no one.
Blame nothing.

4.                  Be accountable. Focus on solving problems rather than having them. Set the example for others and recommit when you slip. Care for yourself and create a positive habit.

Simple. More enjoyable for everyone.
Let's lead by example.
If you like the idea, encourage someone else (talk about it, forward this email, tweet or Facebook it).

Duane’s Real Estate News…

Real Estate Disclosures. Sellers, If You Don't Tell The Buyer Everything... Your Neighbors Will

Most lawsuits in real estate transactions, are the result of buyers feeling that the seller did not tell them all they knew about the house, before they bought it. Most home sellers have no idea how easy it is to land in court with their home buyer. A few steps outlined here can help, if followed properly.

When selling a home, by law, the home sellers have a very serious obligation of disclosing in writing to the home buyer any and all defects that they know about the property. Buyers look at a problem that was hidden from them as cheating them, once they get legal counsel, the nightmare begins, not only does the seller gets sued, most of the time, everybody that was involved on the transaction gets named as co-conspirator.

In court, the attorneys for the buyer will paint this picture of the seller and his agent, and the home inspector and everybody else getting together and plotting their strategy to hide problems with the house from the buyer. They will use ugly words like Deceit, Misrepresentation, Fraud, etc, to describe what you did or did not write in your disclosures. The new buyers will swear that they would have NOT bought this house had they known the many "defects" it had.

Your Realtor will provide you the right forms, but it is up to you to fill them out, completely, truthfully and seriously. If you want to keep your money and stay out of court, follow these simple steps with care:

  • Spend time looking over the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statements and make sure you understand every question before you answer it. The questions in these forms are geared towards making sure you don't miss anything important. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of people reading what you wrote: the home buyers, the Realtors, attorneys... event the judge!
  • Make sure you use the most updated forms available for these disclosures. There are changes to these documents every year, those changes are prompted by the new court decisions of the most recent cases. There are thousands of dollars awarded to "injured parties" and their attorneys every year because these disclosures were not filled out properly. One check mark in the wrong box could spell trouble.
  • Do not allow anyone to fill them out for you, not the Realtor, or your children or anyone else who is not on title. These are legal documents, treat them with care. Even if you know the buyer is a "friend" who you think you know. You still be treated as a "defendant" if your friend sues you.
  • Tomorrow I will continue with this subject so stay tuned for Part II.

This is Duane signing off. Happy Trails to you! As always, I am proud to be an American. You can email me at  Or visit my website at

Posted via email from Duane's Proposterous Posterous

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